One. Last. Hoorah.
With an ever-evolving career, Emma Kenney has faced and overcome challenges while proving to be an inspirational figure at just the age of 20.

The starlet got her start when she was 5. Since her career took off, she has landed roles on hit shows like The Conners, Shameless, and Roseanne, and voiced the character of Marigold Girl in the 3D, CGI-animated film epic (2013). Just as notable, Kenney was the youngest finalist to compete in the New Jersey International Film Festival, directing The New Girl in Town at 9 years old.
Despite her success, growing up in an industry like Hollywood hasn’t always been easy for Kenney. In 2018, she informed her fans that she would be taking some personal time to get healthy as she tweeted: “hello & goodbye (for a bit) ive decided to take a break from social media and LA for a minute. this sounds so cliche but this town/industry can really get to you. going to re-find my peace happiness.” Since her announcement, the actress has found that her honesty can help those going through a similar situation. “Whether it be an addiction, substance abuse, or eating disorders, there are so many different ways that people can struggle. I think that when I was younger, I just got kind of lost. I guess you could call it my rebellious stage. I was running in a bad circle and doing things that I shouldn’t have been doing. I honestly think about it, and I am glad that I got those experiences out of the way at such a young age,” she reflects. “I have no intention of doing that kind of stuff or abusing substances again. I had a really great support around me and went to a nice program to detox my system. I was really thankful that I had this experience to grow. Now, I just want to be content with myself. It is something that I work on every day. I try to make the best of my situations and find the silver lining in everything.”
On another note, Kenney is very committed to animal rights as she has worked with non-profits like Mercy For Animals, PETA, and Best Friends Animal Society. “I have always been very passionate about animal rights, and adopting and not shopping when it comes to getting a pet. Once I have the time and resources, I would also love to start my own animal shelter where any animal on the street can come in and be safe,” affirms Kenney, who has adopted three furry friends so far.
Moreover, Kenney has big aspirations for the future. “I am very interested in directing, producing, and maybe even writing one day. I have always been a little bit intimidated by writing because you’re more vulnerable. But I would love to create a script at some point,” she says.
Writer: Samantha Orr
Photographer & Videographer: Catherine Asanov (@catherineasanov)
Stylist: Andrew Philip Nguyen
Hair: Carina Tafulu (using amika & Oribe)
Makeup: Phoebe Dawson (using BECCA Cosmetics)
Editor: Eiko Watanabe
Special thanks to Asian Box (@asianbox - & EPK Media (@myepk & @epkmedia -